We do bad X-Men drawings for $1 at cons (although we might end up raising the price, because we spent a somewhat ridiculous amount of time on these). Here’s most of what we did at ECCC, minus a few that we forgot to photograph:
Miles starts with a classic.
Cyclops Has a Good Day, by Jay. (It seems kind of unfair to commission something that’s *my* sketchbook theme–I’m used to other people having to think of these!)
Seriously, y’all, Miles will take ANY EXCUSE to draw Adam X the X-Treme.
If you ask Jay to draw Warlock, you will get a Warlock heart. Every time.
There were a lot of Colossus requests this year! Here’s Miles’s favorite.
This person wanted a shadowcat and a Magik in her zine, so we made them a matched set: Shadowcat by Jay…
…and Magik by Miles.
Jay’s attempt to capture the grandeur of ’90s Rogue’s hair fell tragically short.
Someone wanted Miles to draw the death of Nightcrawler, so, that happened.
What happens when Jay gets tired of coloring in AoA Colossus.
Miles is all about the really sharp dudes; in this case, Stryfe.
Jay REALLY ENJOYS drawing Shadowcat with swoopy Alan Davis hair.
Miles takes a stab at Inferno Colossus.
Jay drew a Warlock that is a heart that is also a bookplate. Your argument is invalid.
David drew a lot of really beautiful sketches and commissions, but for some reason, this is the only one we actually have a photo of:

And here are the newest additions to Jay’s Cyclops Has a Good Day sketchbook (the downside of working shows = very little time to run around and get commissions and sketches, alas!):
Cully Hamner
David Wynne (who has actually drawn more of these than anyone else, but also had never previously been on the same continent as the sketchbook proper! Someday I will do an all-David Cyclops Has a Good Day gallery.)
Scott Koblish
Tea Berryblue
Jessi Jordan (who was also our marvelous table neighbor!)