Jay here! Today was our Really Big Day: the live episode. O.o
- Stumbled through the morning and managed to get in mostly on time! (Well, I did; Miles almost did.)
- If you had a coherent conversation with either David or me today, take a moment to thank AdminixtratriX Tina, who swung by shortly after opening with two enormous cups of coffee, because she is a saint/superhero.
- There was SO MUCH GOOD COSPLAY today, which is particularly cool given that we know Saturday’s generally the big cosplay day at ECCC. People who turn out turned out on weekdays impress the hell out of me.
- We did a LOT of bad X-Men sketches, and David did a lot of good ones. Also, between yesterday and today, I got Cyclops Has a Good Day sketches from the three people on my “Absolutely No Matter What” list for this show, which I will post eventually.
- At 1:00, I ran off for my first panel: “We’re not Gonna Take It: How to Deal with Harassment in the Comics Community,” with Casey Gilly, Sarah Gaydos, and Annie Bulloch, and moderated by Jack Bauer. Very low turnout, but one of the best and most productive-feeling panels I’ve ever been on: we spent an hour discussing systemic factors in harassment in the comics industry and community, and hammering out practical solutions.
- Stopped to see a bunch of friends at 312, and SUDDENLY THERE WERE SUGAR GLIDERS AND I GOT TO PET THEM AND THEY WERE TINY AND SOFT AND WONDERFUL! Also picked up a couple copies of Ma’at Crook’s absolutely lovely self-care comic/coloring book, and immediately gave one away.
- Miles and I spent most of the spare moments we could grab between panels and talking to folks at the table to hammer out a rough outline for the episode; which was good, because I spent the last 40 minutes before the panel…
- …outside with Scott Koblish, running through the cold open. I have NO IDEA what passers-by thought we were doing, but to their credit, they were very chill about it. We ended up behind an AMAZING Fury Road Crow cosplay on our way back in and so are probably in a lot of photos of it.
- THE LIVE EPISODE. OH, MY GOD. WE DID THIS THING AND IT HAPPENED! Everyone was amazing, including Al Ewing, who we ended up dragging up from the audience to explain the current state of the multiverse. The crowd was fantastic, too–100% terrific questions, and pretty much everything
- Fancy pizza + beer for dinner again; because if it’s not broke, don’t fix it. We briefly flirted with the idea of going to a couple parties, then decided to go home, take off our shoes, and finish proofing Episode 104 instead.

So there is a security guard on the 4th floor who totally reminds me of an older Storm. Black Hair now mostly white, and those sharp powerful features.
I totally feel odd asking for her picture, but it makes me smile at every show I see her.
With Ultimates and Contest of Champions, Ewing does look to be the best individual to ask about multiverse stuff. I hope we get to hear his response!
I showed my sister the above “bad Cyclops” drawing, and she thought it was pretty neat. When she handed it back to me, she said, “You know, A Prairie Home Companion would be way more awesome if it were run by the X-Men.” Which then led to a fifteen-minute session of which X-Men would be best on radio. So, good work to you!
Also, I love love love Wiccy Magic Muscles. I just wish it came in a soap or bath bomb. I don’t use massage bars often enough.