Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men

March 2015 T-Shirt of the Month: What’s New Shadowcat?

Saving the world is all well and good, but Kitty Pryde knows what superheroism is REALLY about: the costumes!

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What's New Shadowcat

This month, we’re celebrating Kitty’s myriad and multiversal superthreads with David Wynne’s fantastic homage to the classic Frazetta What’s New Pussycat? poster, featuring a whopping seven of Kitty’s signature looks over the years. For bonus mileage, go meta and incorporate it into your own superhero costume—or use the matching mugs to get you through the Kitty’s Costumes drinking game next time you marathon the Rachel and Miles X-Plain the X-Men archives!

What’s New Shadowcat? shirts will be available until April 1, then disappear forever (mugs, tote bags, and/or throw pillows may persevere longer). David also has the original art for sale over here!


  1. You guys are gonna bankrupt me! I just bought a WWPCD? t-shirt for myself, a Spider-Man with plunger and Beyonder-Kirby-Crackle-Poop travel mug for a friend (it combines his three favorite things in life: Spider-Man, coffee and pooping), and a Magneto t-shirt as a thank you gift to my friend who edits/proof-reads my blog. And now this?!!

    If you make “Welcome to the X-Men Rogue, I hope you survive the experience” tote bags I am gonna end up in the gutter!

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