Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men

Rachel and Miles Review the X-men, Episode 30

Week of March 18, 2015

In which Magneto remains magnificent, Cyclops pretty much ends, some very important canon is confirmed, and we can’t believe we’ve done THIRTY of these.


  • All-New X-Men #39 (0:58)
  • Guardians Team-Up #3 (2:25)
  • *Magneto #16 (4:21)
  • Wolverines #11 (7:01)
  • Cyclops #11 (9:03)
  • Storm #9 (11:04)

*Pick of the Week (13:23)

These video reviews are made possible by the support of our Patreon subscribers. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!

Rachel and Miles at ECCC!



We are super pleased to announce the first ever Rachel and Miles X-Plain the X-Men meetup, at Emerald City Comicon!

There will be stickers! And maybe buttons! And varyingly ridiculous photo props! And people (we hope)! And a bowl of sunglasses. And maybe a sneak preview of the episode we’ll be recording the night before? WHO KNOWS? We do not, because we are figuring all of that out this weekend! But we are pretty sure that it’ll be rad.


WHAT: Rachel & Miles X-Plain the X-Men Meetup

WHEN: Saturday, March 28, 7-8 PM

WHERE: Meetup Room 2 (TCC, level 2, room 205 – see below!)


If you can’t make the official meetup and/or want to put something together off-site, we will happily signal-boost. Let us know.


We’re not officially tabling, but we’ll both be at the con all three days. Here’s where to find us:

MILES will be working at the Dark Horse Comics booth (802) all weekend. He will be happy to say hi, give you a high five, and recommend some Dark Horse comics; but he will probably not have a lot of time to chat about X-Men on the show floor.

RACHEL will mostly be hanging out at Booth 310 on the show floor. She will give you podcast stickers (free), write on your knuckles with sharpies (price negotiable), and explain why you should buy books from the nice people who are letting her perch at their booth (free unless you take her advice).

Rachel is also on three panels, as follows:


  • Taking Fandom Seriously

1:50-11:40 AM

Join our panel of serious fans including Douglas Wolk (author, blogger, critic), Justin Warren (game blogger), Andrea Gilroy (comics teacher and graduate student), and Rachel Edidin (professional editor, critic) for a conversation about walking the fine line between geeking out as a fan and critically engaging with the material you love.

  • All Ages Comics Aren’t Limiting

11:50AM – 12:40PM
Hall E (TCC 303)

Tired of dark and gritty? Looking to expand your market share? Want to make something your kids can enjoy? Just plain curious about why you should take all ages comics seriously? Join Rachel Edidin, Jen Van Meter, Janelle Asselin, Adam P. Knave, and Lucy Bellwood for a discussion of what creates an exceptional all ages comic.


  • How Many Hats Can One Person Wear?

10:30AM – 11:20AM
Hall F (TCC 304)

What has three writers, one artist, two journalists, three critics, one retailer, three fans, two podcasters, six hands, and three heads? Rachel Edidin, Kate Leth, and Douglas Wolk discuss what it means to approach comics from multiple angles, balancing creative and critical perspectives, and straddling the fan/pro divide.


As Mentioned in Episode 48 – Guitar Solos of the Gods

Listen to the episode here!


  • The Mighty Thor #362 is one of the best issues of one of the best runs in Marvel history.
  • For craft wonks, we recommend the hell out of the Thor Artist’s Edition, if you can get your hands on a copy.
  • Actually, you know what? Just go read the whole Simonson run, right now. It’s collected and available in a bunch of forms. You won’t regret it. we promise.
  • Once you’re done reading Thor, go watch Leverage, because it is wonderful.

Rachel and Miles Review the X-Men, Episode 29

Week of March 11, 2015

In which the All-New X-Men reading order breaks laws of space and time, depth of focus is a startlingly underused storytelling tool, and Rachel’s blood feud with the Denver Airport continues.


  • *All-New X-Men #37 (0:40)
  • Wolverines #10 (3:31)
  • Spider-Man and the X-Men #4 (6:25)

*Pick of the Week (8:05)

These video reviews are made possible by the support of our Patreon subscribers. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!

Rachel Recaps X-Men: Evolution
S1E3: Rogue Recruit

Oh, hell, yeah! It’s Rogue time, y’all!

Evolution Rogue is awesome. She’s one of the characters who fares best in reimagining–as I wrote about Cyclops in S1E1, Rogue is very recognizably written in the spirit of some of the best previous versions of the character, with the letter flexible enough to let her develop organically in her new context and setting.

So it should be no surprise when I tell you that a lot of the best stuff in the generally pretty shaky and uneven Season One centers around Rogue. And that, my friends, begins here. Lace up your best New Rocks, dig up some black lipstick (or steal your friend’s eyeliner crayon and be careful not to lick your lips), and get ready to rumble.

Or, y’know, whatever.

Continue reading

As Mentioned in Episode 47 – The Price of Power

Listen to the episode here!

Many thanks to Emergency Backup Co-Host and Alpha Flight X-Pert (is there an Alpha-Flight-appropriate portmanteau for that?) Elisabeth Allie! Go check out Elisabeth’s blog, and follower her on Twitter!

Miles Reviews the X-Men, Episode 28

Week of March 4, 2015.

In which Monet is awesome, Wolverines is ridiculous, and the Denver Airport might actually be Hell.


  • Avengers World #18 (0:31)
  • *X-Men #25 (1:41)
  • Wolverines #9 (4:09)

*Pick of the week (6:23)

These video reviews are made possible by the support of our Patreon subscribers. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!

The State of Things – Update

X-Men: Season One; W: Dennis Hopeless, A: Jamie McKelvie
X-Men: Season One; W: Dennis Hopeless, A: Jamie McKelvie

Rachel here.

I’m still out of town, still dealing with the stuff that took me away a week ago. (I’m not going to go into details—as Miles wrote over on tumblr, I’m a fairly private person, and I don’t really want to discuss my personal life and family on public media.)

However, since this has now come up repeatedly, I want to explain a little about what my absence means for Rachel and Miles X-Plain the X-Men in the very short-term, and to address a few specific questions and comments we’ve received.

Continue reading

March 2015 T-Shirt of the Month: What’s New Shadowcat?

Saving the world is all well and good, but Kitty Pryde knows what superheroism is REALLY about: the costumes!

Screen Shot 2015-03-01 at 3.41.38 AM

What's New Shadowcat

This month, we’re celebrating Kitty’s myriad and multiversal superthreads with David Wynne’s fantastic homage to the classic Frazetta What’s New Pussycat? poster, featuring a whopping seven of Kitty’s signature looks over the years. For bonus mileage, go meta and incorporate it into your own superhero costume—or use the matching mugs to get you through the Kitty’s Costumes drinking game next time you marathon the Rachel and Miles X-Plain the X-Men archives!

What’s New Shadowcat? shirts will be available until April 1, then disappear forever (mugs, tote bags, and/or throw pillows may persevere longer). David also has the original art for sale over here!

Miles Reviews the X-Men, Episode 27

Week of February 25, 2015.

In which Miles once again holds down the fort, and Rachel is too tired to come up with more engaging copy than this.


  • All-New X-Men #38 (00:19)
  • Spider-Man and the X-Men #3 (1:46)
  • Amazing X-Men #17 (3:08)
  • Wolverines #8 (4:29)
  • Uncanny Avengers #2 (6:15)

Pick of the Week: Avengers World #17; which is neither technically an X-book nor of this week, but is good enough that we don’t care. (8:19)


I kind of love Miles’s vague implication that I’m cooling my heels in Mexico until things blow over.

Here are my very short and sleep-deprived addenda to the reviews:

All-New X-Men #38
Often, “very Bendis” is a compliment. This is not one of those times: the cleverness comes at the expense of characters’ voices. Not exactly bad, but frustrating. I’m pretty damn excited about Teen Space Pirate Cyclops to the rescue, though; and the fact that that probably means a more organic end to the Cyclops ongoing than the abrupt cancellation I was sort of expecting.

Spider-Man and the X-Men #3
This is the ideal use of this team, and I feel really good about it and also about Ernst busting down walls. The first few issues were fun but kind of flailing; here, it feels like the book is really finding its voice and catching its stride.

Amazing X-Men #17
Too busy cracking up at the return of one of my favorite dumb Silver-Age villains to objectively review this.

Wolverines #8
Um, actually, Miles, both Fang’s debut and the incident in which Wolverine stole his costume took place during the M’Kraan Crystal storyline, not the Dark Phoenix Saga.

That said, there is literally nothing about this issue that I did not enjoy immensely. Also, I really hope that Fang and Volstagg turn out to be buddies, because they obviously should be.

Uncanny Avengers #2
Meh. I’m having trouble caring about this storyline. I recognize that Acuña is objectively good at what he does, but at the same time, his art completely fails to hold my attention, which sort of sums up my feelings on this series in general.

-Rachel, who is not actually on the lam in Mexico; although she has learned a lot over the last few days about the laws and logistics concerning international transport of human remains.

These video reviews are made possible by the support of our Patreon subscribers. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!