Tag: Canada
417 – Pterodactyl with a Gun
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In which you, too, can use Cerebro; Jubilee is here, for some reason; the Xavier School should absolutely not be accredited; Hulk Hands would solve many of Rogue’s problems; Sauron gets a gun; Psylocke pulls a Lois Lane maneuver; you really shouldn’t spring a Phoenix costume on anybody; Joseph has (another) identity crisis; and Canada has problems.
- Miles at SDCC
- Uncanny X-Men #353-355
- X-Men #73
- A running motif
- Wolverine’s sons
- Margaret Stone
- “fun”
- The location of the original X-jet
- A red herring
- Sauron (more) (again)
- Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy… in space!
- How to ship a pterodactyl
- Mighty appendages
- The Agee Institute
- Boundaries
- Wallpaper
- Joseph (more) (again)
- New Year’s Resolutions
- Sebastian Shaw and his wraith buddy (again)
- The X-Men’s answering machine
- What Wolverine does
- Alpha Flight
- Canada problems
- A crossover
- Phoenix problems
- Jean Grey’s ‘90s costume
- Found families
- What makes the Dark Phoenix Saga an X-Men story
NEXT EPISODE: Reignfire, resolved!
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As Mentioned in Episode 314 – Feelings, Alaska
Listen to the podcast here.
- Lauretta Jean’s makes the best pie on earth, and Jay misses it desperately.
- Wanna make comics? Wally Wood’s 22 Panels That Always Work are an incredibly useful resource.
- We watched so much Sealab 2021 in college.
- If you’re interested in the intersections of psychology and superhero comics, check out The Arkham Sessions!
- For more about Scott and Alex’s origin story and picking which versions of canon count, check out Episode 308 – No Story Is the Whole Story.
- Hear about Roma and The Adversary’s last fight in Episode 86 – Legends.
- Dr. Andrea Letamendi joined us to discuss representations of mental illness and therapy in X-Factor in Episode 216 – X-Amining X-Factor.
- Our coverage of the Age of Apocalypse starts in Episode 287 – Welcome to the Age of Apocalypse…
- …and we focus on Cyclops and Havok’s relationship in that universe in Episode 292 – Weekend at Sinster’s.
314 – Feelings, Alaska
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In which Haven deserved better; Cyclops and Havok have a lot of feelings in Alaska; X-Factor is the cop team; breaking up with your girlfriend between issues is a massive faux pas; Haven got a bad deal; no one cares about Random’s feelings; Spiral is weird Twitter; and Alex Summers once again fails to finish his dissertation.
- Chaos (Daniel Dash)
- Pie
- Power suits vs. power suits
- X-Factor #115-118
- Haven (more) (again)
- The Adversary (more) (again)
- Naze (more) (again)
- Several people who may or may not be holograms
- One of Jay’s all-time-favorite single issues
- Howard Mackie
- Wally Wood’s 22 Panels
- The Summers Family plane crash
- Cyclops and Havok’s relationship
- Havok’s Silver Age origins
- Trans readings of Alex Summers
- Shard (more) (again)
- Canadian drama
- A trap
- The return of Random
- Roma (again)
- Mojoworlders on social media
- Which X-teens should be audience surrogates in a new animated series
NEXT EPISODE: Wolverine & Gambit!
Check out the visual companion to this episode on our blog!
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Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
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As Mentioned in Episode 176 – My Flashback With Andre
Listen to the episode here.
- We were on Oregon Public Broadcasting’s State of Wonder! Listen to the episode–and discover a bunch of cool Oregon-based podcasts–here!
- Hear all about Wolverine’s terrible birthdays in Episode 113 – Play It Again, Patch.
- Brush up on Weapon X in Episode 162 – Naked in Canada.
176 – My Flashback With Andre
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In which we were on public radio; it’s probably best just to ignore Romulus; Miles still hasn’t seen the Prisoner and should be very ashamed of himself; toy licensing is the stuff of nightmares; you can upgrade your bloodbath for an additional $1.25; Jay may or may not have family ties to Weapon X; we are suckers for die-cut covers; Wolverine knows how to commit to a gag; and you have some pretty remarkable dreams.
- Wolverine’s CIA contacts
- Murder-related birthday traditions
- Wolverine #48-50
- The ship Righteous Indignation and the ‘ship Righteous Indignation
- Wolverine size creep
- Injudicious footwear
- Serial sidekicks
- Miles’s continual failure to watch The Prisoner
- The Summers Crash model of flashbacks
- Panties and/or grenades
- Several varyingly reliable flashbacks
- How memory works
- Mastodon
- Andre
- How memory doesn’t really work
- Kids’ toy licensing
- Quasimodo’s hangout
- Women in Refrigerators
- Secret agent skills
- The Dalton school of argument
- A legitimately cool cover gimmick
- Wolverine vs. the Helicarrier
- Adamantium handicrafts
- Shiva (but not that one)
- Silver Fox (again) (kind of)
- A cataclysmic memory backlash
- Antarctic X-Hijinks
- Jay & Miles’s adventures in YOUR DREAMS
NEXT EPISODE: Centaurs of Texas
CORRECTION: Kyle Rayner’s girlfriend was the source of the Women In Refrigerator’s trope–not Hal Jordan’s, as Jay stated in this episode.
You can find the visual companion to this episode on our blog.
Find us on iTunes or Stitcher!
Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
We’re in the process of migrating our official shop to TeePublic! Click over to check it out! (You can still find the designs we haven’t moved yet at Redbubble.)
As Mentioned in Episode 162 – Naked in Canada
Listen to the episode here.

- Come see us at RCCC, and party with us on Friday night!
- The Milgram experiment is both horrifying and really important.
- Here are a large number of photographs of snow leopards with their tails in their mouths.
162 – Naked In Canada
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In which almost everyone is better than Romulus; Barry Windsor-Smith continues to draw the best naked X-Men; Jay has strong feelings about Wolverine’s origins; Miles still hasn’t seen The Prisoner; when in doubt, it’s probably Kang the Conqueror and/or Mystique; we remain unqualified to give bear-fighting advice; you should not hide out in a nuclear reactor; and the Coffee-a-Go-Go has probably been turned into a new-wave sushi bar or something.
- The Professor (Truett Hudson)
- Romulus
- Jay & Miles at Rose City Comic Con
- Marvel Comics Presents #72-84
- “Weapon X”
- Backstory attrition
- A really good opening montage
- Some very effective use of color
- Healing hair
- The original villain behind Weapon X
- A retconned origin of Wolverine’s claws
- Dr. Abraham Cornelius
- Carol Hines
- Terry Gilliam’s Weapon X
- Audio vs. text-based mind control
- An action figure in dubious taste
- The Milgram Experiment
- An adaptation we’d like to see
- A bad place to hide
- Subsequent “Weapon X” retcons
- How Cyclops’s powers have (and haven’t) developed
- Jay’s general failure at X-tourism
NEXT WEEK: More MCP, featuring “The Retribution Affair” and “God’s Country”!
You can find the visual companion to this episode on our blog.
Find us on iTunes or Stitcher!
Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
We’re in the process of migrating our official shop to TeePublic! Click over to check it out! (You can still find the designs we haven’t moved yet at Redbubble.)
As Mentioned in Episode 14 – Look Upon My Man-Thing and D’Spayre
Listen to the podcast here!

Links and Further Reading:
The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage
All Those Signature Moves We Listed Off (We’ll Do a Visual Directory Eventually, We Promise):
- Fastball Special: Colossus throws Wolveine at something.
- Phaseball Special*: Someone throws Kitty through robots
- The Most Comics-Code-Adherent at What He Does*: The thing where Wolverine has his claws out during a fight but doesn’t cut anyone.
- Cue-ball Special*: The thing where Cyclops takes out like six bad guys with ricochets from one optic blast.
- Slippery Slope*: The thing where Iceman tries to be awesome and ends up beating up his teammates by accident.
- Blue-Plate Special Special*: The thing where an X-man uses their powers to prepare lunch.
- The thing where Kitty wrecks everything by accident phasing through it.
- The thing where everyone switches opponents mid-fight, and that’s what turns the tide.
- The thing where Nightcrawler is awfully dashing about beating people up.
- The thing where Storm’s claustrophobia saves the day.
- The thing where Angel just dodges shit for like an hour instead of participating in the fight.
- The thing where Xavier fakes his own death.
- The thing where Cypher and/or Kitty and/or Illyana and/or Wolverine do the “Ain’t I a stinker?” thing from the control booth of the Danger Room.
- The thing where Cyclops uses his optic blasts to slow or stop inertia or a fall.
- The thing where Storm has no powers and STILL kicks someone’s ass into next week.
- The thing where Colossus and Wolverine throw themselves at Magneto every goddamn time despite being made of metal.
*We made these names up. They are not official canon, but we live in hope.
14 – Look Upon My Man-Thing and D’Spayre
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In which Canada is complicated, the X-Perts join Twitter, Rachel cares about a Wolverine story, Angel had one job, Kitty Pryde is pretty cool, Cyclops gets a hat, neither of us knows how to pronounce “Aleytys,” Doctor Doom is a terrible date, and the X-Men have an awful lot of signature moves.
- Department H
- Department K
- Director X
- The Weapon Plus Program
- Weapon P.R.I.M.E.
- Weapons I-XVI
- The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage
- The new normal
- Stevie Hunter
- The Wendigo
- Berserker rage
- Yard work
- Wolverines
- Angel’s one move
- The N’Garai (again)
- Lee Forrester
- D’Spayre
- Magic-Feather villains
- Man-Thing
- Doctor Doom
- Arcade
- Why it sucks to be Havok
- The X-Perts’ relative areas of X-pertise
- Cyclops vs. Storm
- Signature moves
CORRECTIONS: Lee’s dad’s house is in Florida, not Louisiana; Doctor Doom is not in Europe but in New England, where has taken over Toad’s theme park, because that was definitely a thing.
If you’re looking for our coverage of X-Men 141 and 142—”Days of Future Past”—you can find that in Episode 6, “Days of Future Whatever.”
You can find a visual companion to the episode – and links to recommended reading – on our blog.