Tag: Peter Parker
392 – The Mullet of Leadership
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In which Chris Bachalo changes things up; we theorize about Prime Sentinel hierarchy; the headmasters go undercover; fictional characters spend a lot of time in sewers; M’s secret comes to light; J. Jonah Jameson is at his best in X-books; Jay pitches a video game; Marrow gets a makeover; and part of journalistic integrity is choosing what not to cover.
- Banshee, recently
- Generation X #29-31
- Uncanny X-Men #346
- Bastion
- Daria
- Leave It to Chance
- Miguela Torres
- Venice Beach
- Skin’s cousin Gil
- Inconsistencies that may or may not be deliberate
- Jolt Cola™
- Yet another take on Prime Sentinels
- The Mullet of Leadership
- A cool kid
- Cat drama
- DOA (again)
- Cars
- A kiss
- Several attempted murders
- Marrow’s appearance
- Boyd and Mathers
- X-fighting games
- Mutant leadership philosophies
NEXT EPISODE: X-Men cleverly disguised as Wolverine
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As Mentioned in Episode 369 – Carly Askani
369 – Carly Askani
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In which Storm & Joseph X-Plain the X-Men, Alex Summers is not brainwashed this time, he promises, Scott Lobdell writes better moments than stories, Ed McGuinness draws very large chins, and it’s Denver the Last Dinosaur, not Denver the Lost Dinosaur
- Uncanny X-Men #339
- Spider-Man disambiguation
- A. Kubert disambiguation
- J. Jonah Jameson (again) (hooray!)
- Sneaking songs
- The history of smoking regulation on airlines
- Creed disambiguation
- Havok’s Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
- Bonding while falling out of planes
- X-Men #59
- The copyright status of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
- Well-drawn Wolverines
- Hercules vs The Tick
- Wolverine Annual 1996
- The tragic death of Mariko Yashida
- Silver Samurai (Kuniuchio Harada)
- Sunfire (Shiro Yoshida) and what he’s been up to since Fatal Attractions
- Josef Stalin, apparently?
- Red Ronin and its nemesis, a time-lost dinosaur who we assure you is not Godzilla
- Jedi and/or samurai vs. doors
- Our logo fonts
- James Howlett, guidance counselor
- Onslaught but not evil
- Whether Magneto could wield Mjolnir
NEXT EPISODE: The Silver Age with Max Carleton!
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As Mentioned in Episode 356 – The Michael Bay-eux Tapestry
Listen to the episode here.
356 – The Michael Bay-eux Tapestry
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Art by David Wynne. Wanna buy the original? Drop him a line!
In which it’s hard to be Joseph; we do our best to explain the inexplicable; Miles is full of feelings; Hulk smashes; and Onslaught finally (mostly) ends.
- Heroes Reborn Return
- Wild times with the Dreaming Celestial
- Onslaught so far
- X-Men #56
- Onslaught: Marvel Universe
- Jay’s definitive Bond
- Joseph (more)
- The physical evolution of Onslaught
- Sense of scale
- Hawkeye (TV series)
- Onslaught’s goals, to what extent they exist
- The three genders
- A really big fight
- A miracle of magnetism
- The (nominal) end of the Age of Heroes
- Beast’s scientific career
- Chamber’s voice
NEXT EPISODE: Several epilogues
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Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
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As Mentioned in Episode 355 – All Sentinels Are Bastards
355 – All Sentinels Are Bastards
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In which we take a break from X-Men to talk Onslaught tie-ins; Miles learns about coffee shop AUs; Sentinels are very large; there are no bystanders in a crossover event; we are really not Punisher people; and all the bad guys have plans.
- The Clone Saga (briefly)
- How not to dispose of a dead clone
- Ben Reilly
- Amazing Spider-Man #415
- Spider-Man #72
- Green Goblin #12
- Punisher #11
- Onslaught’s increasingly nebulous goals
- Sentinel timing
- Coffee shop AUs
- Sentinels in Manhattan
- Several fights with Sentinels
- Green Goblin (Phil Urich)
- Uncles Ben
- The Lunatic Laugh
- Punisher (Frank Castle) (briefly)
- Yet another helicarrier crash
- The happiest cannon fodder
- The Junkyard Dogs
- Rashid Hammer Jones
- The surprisingly exciting world of NYC maritime salvage
- Make-believe superpowers
- Deadlines
Check out the visual companion to this episode on our blog!
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Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
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As Mentioned in Episode 325 – Captain Bloodscream
325 – Captain Bloodscream
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In which we recommend against having a birthday in the Marvel Universe; Shinobi Shaw was a proto-Quentin Quire; Lee Forrester returns under the best possible circumstances; Bloodscream lives his best unlife; Belasco is apparently master of the cat people now; and a former Marvel intern returns to solve a mystery.
- Bloodscream (again)
- X-Force/Cable Annual 1995
- Spider-Man Team-Up #1
- X-Men Unlimited #9
- The Impossible Man (and his slacker kids)
- The Clone Saga
- Benedict Kine
- A really superlative insult
- The continuity box
- Still more Bloodscream
- 30-50 feral hogs
- Belasco (more)(again)
- The N’garai (more) (again)
- A follow-up to a mystery from Episode #323
NEXT EPISODE: X-Factor vs. the Adversary
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Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
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