Tag: Blink
290 – The Obvious, the Silly, and the True
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In which it’s kind of a relief to be talking about a fictional apocalypse right now; Joe Madureira defines the look of the mid-late 1990s; Sunfire is less cheesecake than crepes Suzette; it all comes back to capes; Wild Child is more than he seems; Holocaust sucks about as much as you’d expect of someone who picked that code name; Jay has surprisingly strong feelings about Morph; Miles is all about judging some babies; resistance is fundamental to the X-Men’s identity within a superhero-universe paradigm; nobody deserves to be quarantined with Quentin Quire; and our two-week lead is making proofing these podcasts an increasingly surreal experience.
- Several things Blink might have done but did not.
- The status quo as of mid-March, 2020
- Earth-295 (more) (again)
- Astonishing X-Men #1-4
- Our coverage of the core Age of Apocalypse series
- Age of Apocalypse as proof of concept
- The best character design of Earth-295
- Some guy named Rex
- A lake of blood which may or may not be figurative
- Sabretooth’s last-ish stand
- The revolutionary value of silliness
- Jay’s favorite Orwell quote
- The Infinite Processing Plant
- DefCon Armageddon
- A very cool fight scene
- Catharsis
- Mutants without the metaphor
- Best and worst X-Men to be quarantined with
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As Mentioned in Episode 289 – Unsolved Mysteries
289 – Unsolved Mysteries
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In which this episode is way more topical than it was when we recorded it; Apocalypse makes a terrible Statue of Liberty; there are no reliable narrators; Robbie Robertson and Carmen Sandiego are your new OTP; Emplate is creepy in any universe; lawful evil is still evil; and partial universe reboots come with some fairly silly problems.
- Awkward intersections of fiction and reality
- Pandemic (Dr. Richard Palance)
- Tales from the Age of Apocalypse: Sinister Bloodlines
- Tales from the Age of Apocalypse: By the Light
- Brooding in multiple ways at once.
- Corsair (Christopher Summers) (Earth-295)
- Reconciling cross-universe timelines
- The Shi’ar (Earth-295)
- Comparative Summers Backstory
- Robbie Robertson (Earth-295)
- Northstar and Aurora (Earth-295)
- Emplate and the Monets (Earth-295)
- The Bedlam Brothers (Earth-295)
- Brood problems
- The most awkward Summers family reunion to date
- The Absorbing Man (Earth-295)
- Diablo (Earth-295)
- Senator Robert Kelly (Earth-295)
- The fall of the Guthrie family
- An early era of Magneto’s X-Men
- A trip to the moon
- Death (Maximus Boltagon)
- Whether the Beyonder of Earth-295 knows how to poop
- Listening to this podcast with kids
NEXT EPISODE: Astonishing X-Men!
Check out the visual companion to this episode on our blog.
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Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
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As Mentioned in Episode 287 – Welcome to the Age of Apocalypse
Listen to the episode here.
- Guest X-Pert Logan Bonner DM’d our tabletop X-games in Giant-Size Special #2 and Giant-Size Special #4!
287 – Welcome to the Age of Apocalypse
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In which we enter the Age of Apocalypse!
- One way to solve a problem
- The story so far
- Earth-295
- X-Men: Alpha
- Age of Apocalypse Collector’s Preview
- What makes Age of Apocalypse a surprisingly good jumping-on point to the X-Men
- The story so far
- AoA vs. the Clone Saga
- An Age of Apocalypse that might have been
- AoA vs. Earth Askani
- The X-Men of Earth-295
- Fashion motifs
- A dubious hairstyle
- Facial tattoos
- Wild Child
- Blink (but a different Blink)
- Morph
- Character designs as storytelling
- Baby Charles
- Magic of magnetism
- Dark Beast
- The Prelates Summers
- The Horsemen of Earth-295
- The Bobby Newport of the Age of Apocalypse
- Heaven
- The Human Council
- What’s coming
- Characters we’d like to retroactively import to AoA
- Tabletop X-Men
NEXT EPISODE: Previously on Earth-295…
Special thanks to Logan Bonner for the X-Men roleplaying assist!
Check out the visual companion to this episode on our blog.
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Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
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As Mentioned in Episode 271 – Abs for Days
271 – Abs for Days (The Phalanx Covenant, Part 1 of 3)
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In which we’re finally both back in the virtual studio; Generation X is the new Inferno; the Phalanx Covenant begins; we’re not talking about Hickman in our coverage of this story; Banshee is the adult in the room; the Phalanx is pretty sexist; and gross powers are cool.
- Blink
- Peter Sís
- The Phalanx Covenant
- “Generation Next” (but not Generation Next)
- Uncanny X-Men #316-317
- X-Men #36-37
- Yet another way to do a crossover event
- Some very good visual branding
- What we’re not covering
- Sexy Banshee
- Retired Colonel Gayle Cordbecker
- Monet St. Croix (kind of)
- Coaxing
- Early days of the Internets
- Everett Thomas (Synch)
- The fate of Sara Grey
- Phalanx Phashion
- Angelo Espinosa (Skin)
- Clarice Ferguson (Blink)
- Some guy allegedly named Gregor
- Harvest
- A very expensive house
- An apparent death
NEXT EPISODE: Forge does not get a puppy.
NOTE: Jay was right: LiveJournal first launched in 1999.
Check out the visual companion to this episode on our blog!
Find us on iTunes or Stitcher!
Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
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As Mentioned in Episode 110 – Lights, Camera, Apocalypse!
Listen to the episode here.
- Episode 6 – Days of Future Whatever was our first delve into the X-Men cinematic universe.
- You can learn more about Apocalypse in Episode 64 – Ski Lodge of Apocalypse; and Episode 88 – Just Before Dawn.
- You can hear Paul O’Brien–not Kieran Shiach, as we stated in the episode–explain Kang the Conqueror in Episode 85 – Secret Convergence on Infinite Podcasts: Complex Continuity.
- Jay’s 2014 review of X-Men: Days of Future Past
- Jay’s (spoiler-free) review of X-Men: Apocalypse
- If video’s more your style, we also briefly discussed X-Men: Apocalypse (again, spoiler-free) over here.
- Cast Party is an ongoing series where the ever-splendid Elle Collins casts (and recasts) comic-book movies:
- You, too, can own your very own super stylin’ Elle Was Right t-shirt!
110 – Lights, Camera, Apocalypse!
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In which the X-Men cinematic universe is a really mixed bag; Kang the Conqueror ruins everything; everyone wants a Sphinx hovercraft; Elle was right; and we bring you up to speed on all things En Sabah Nur–just in time for X-Men: Apocalypse!
- How Chamber got his torso back (and then lost it again)(twice)
- Several ways to count X-Men movies
- X-Men
- X2: X-Men United
- X-Men: The Last Stand
- X-Men: First Class
- X-Men: Days of Future Past
- Adaptation anxiety
- Distillation vs. dilution
- Apocalypse (En Sabah Nur)
- Rise of Apocalypse #1-4
- Akkaba
- Dubious survival tips
- Fantastic Four #19
- Doctor Strange #53
- Ozymandias
- Various horsemen of Apocalypse
- Age of Apocalypse (Earth-295)
- The Twelve
- Cinematic X-costumes
- Cast Party
NEXT WEEK: Excalibur joins Inferno!
CORRECTION: In this episode, Jay states that Kieran Shiach explained Kang in the Secret Convergence on Infinite Podcasts. It was, in fact, the amazing Paul O’Brien. Mea culpa.
You can find a visual companion to this episode on our blog!
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Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
Buy prints of this week’s illustration at our shop, or contact David Wynne for the original!