Tag: Technet
428 – Naked in a Cake
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In which you shouldn’t invite nazis to your wedding, there’s a lot of multiverse, Captain Britain and Meggan are pretty heteronormative but make it work, everybody forgot Feron, and the next husband will be Gatecrasher’s.
- Captain Britain varieties
- The history of Brian Braddock and Meggan Puceanu, abridged
- Excalibur #124-125
- Mutants most likely to jump out of a cake
- The Crazy Gang (again)
- Meggan’s crush on Colossus
- Colossus’s guilt about Meggan’s crush on Colossus
- A surprise bridal shower
- The return of Captain UK
- Brian Braddock’s teetotaling techniques
- Mimic’s ever-changing facial hair
- Glorious, glorious chaos
- Poor, poor Feron
- Multiple awkward conversations
- The return of Widget and also everyone else
- Lightning Force (dammit)
- A lengthy but not exhaustive list of Captains Britain
- So many cameos
- …Seriously, so many cameos
- Dai Thomas’s anti-iron
- Shockingly healthy communication
- Bouquet brawls and garter gar-nage
- A bittersweet ending
- Nightcrawler’s best outfit
- The universe where the X-Men X-Plain Jay & Miles
- Our hypothetical post-finale Excalibur lineup
NEXT EPISODE: The return of X-Factor! Kind of!
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As Mentioned in Episode 231 – Life Bites
Listen to the episode here.
You can make your own Sienna Blaze lipstick!
While it’s setting, why not read more about the 1993 Marvel annuals and Evan Skolnick’s D&D campaign!
Or you could watch The Gamers and develop a deeper understanding of Jay’s joke about Captain Britain at the gaming table.
And there’s always Episode 21 – Kurt Busiek at the Coffee-a-Go-Go, where we delve deep into the wonders of Metoxo the Lava Man!
231 – Life Bites
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In which DC is out of our bailiwick; Random gets around; someone finally makes an explicit reference to disability politics; death has not improved the Chalkers; Strong Guy can’t catch a break; we’re all whole other people; Sienna Blaze has a crayon name; we totally want to play D&D with Evan Skolnick; a trading card does not a memorable character make; and we are 100% here for the mutant episode of Sesame Street.
- What happened to Fred Duncan
- Beastwriting
- Marvel’s 1993 Annuals
- The speculator boom
- X-Factor Annual #8
- Uncanny X-Men Annual #17
- Excalibur Annual #1
- Charlie Ronalds (Charon) and his issues
- A protracted Batman reference
- How to string pearls
- A dubious twist on the danger room
- The pure joy of a child, but twisted and distorted like a shredded butterfly
- Cloot (Satannish)
- Howling Mad, by Peter David
- The greatest enemies of X-Factor (but not really)
- Cruel and arbitrary moralizing
- The other X-Cutioner (Carl Denti)
- A protracted illusion
- The Amazing Icemaster
- Metacommentary
- An accidental trap
- The death of Jason Wyngarde (Mastermind)
- Resolution versus forgiveness
- The other first appearance of Sienna Blaze
- More wizard stuff
- Khaos
- Khaos & Gritty 4 Lyfe
- Ghath
- Irth
- Mutants on Sesame Street
- Cycling in and out of comics
NEXT EPISODE: Excalibur goes to space!
CORRECTION: Chris Claremont did not in fact write Dragonlance comics.
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As Mentioned in Episode 192 – Meet the N-Men
Listen to the podcast here!
- For an introduction to Technet, check out Episode 89 – Giant-Size Special #3; and Episode 98 – Between Alien Visitations and Drunken Sulks!
- The comment thread about Emilia Witherspoon’s origins
- We discussed Diana: Warrior Princess at more length in Episode 34 – Mordenkainen’s Marvelous Mutants.
192 – Meet the N-Men
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In which Alan Davis’s Excalibur is a spiritual sibling to The Muppet Show; Captain Britain gets a Captain Britain lesson; Opal Luna Saturnyne has no time for your nonsense; Meggan and Rachel take a brief detour into a Hammer film; Earth-148 is extra heroic; no member of Excalibur will ever use a bathroom in peace; Cerise joins the team; Technet embraces the future; and the end of the world is nigh.
- Pixie’s powers and parentage
- Several eccentricities of Jay’s apartment
- Excalibur #45-47
- Earth-148 (Ee’rath)
- Comics pacing vs. podcast pacing
- Technet (more) (again)
- Amelia Witherspoon and several references related thereto
- The N-Men
- How to Captain Britain
- The multiversal significance of the lighthouse
- A portentous chess game
- A particularly aggressive retcon
- The return of the Neuri
- The real Meggan
- Necrom
- A heroic death
- The true curse of Excalibur
- Some very specific citations
- A reunion
- Kylun (Colin McKay)
- A blessed event
- Cerise
- Whether Rogue can control Cyclops’s powers
- Laura Kinney’s upcoming reversion to X-23
NEXT EPISODE: Bishop joins the X-Men!
ENTIRELY IRRELEVANT UPDATE: The wall on which Jay was attempting to mount a desk turned out to be plaster over sheetrock. Office plans are being revised accordingly.
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Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
We’re in the process of migrating our official shop to TeePublic! Click over to check it out! (You can still find the designs we haven’t moved yet at Redbubble.)
As Mentioned in Episode 182 – Lunch With Technet
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182 – Lunch With Technet
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In which Alan Davis spins dangling plot threads into gold; comics artists are storytellers; Technet is a feature, not a bug; Brian Braddock’s issues reach their boiling point; if you’re going to learn about Earth from TV, you should probably stick with PBS; and our Lila Cheney t-shirts are officially canon!
- An unlikely alliance
- Jay & Miles at Emerald City Comic Con
- Alan Davis’s return to Excalibur
- Excalibur #42-44
- Breakfast with Excalibur
- Hard-Boiled Henry
- Horatio Cringebottom
- Bert
- Earth-148 (Ee’rath)
- Kylun (Colin McKay)
- Unlikely houseguests
- A romance
- A fracas
- The trial of Captain Britain
- Multiversal moral relativity
- Micromax (Scott Wright)
- Lunch with Technet
- Why public television funding is important
- How Shadowcat’s phasing interacts with extreme temperatures
- Our opinions on X-Men: Gold Annual #1
Check out the visual companion to this episode on our blog!
Find us on iTunes or Stitcher!
Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
We’re in the process of migrating our official shop to TeePublic! Click over to check it out! (You can still find the designs we haven’t moved yet at Redbubble.)
As Mentioned in Episode 129 – They Don’t Allow Dragons in Here
Listen to the podcast here.

129 – They Don’t Allow Dragons in Here (The Cross-Time Caper, Part 1)
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In which “Cross-Time Caper” is something of a misnomer; Excalibur is an awful lot of fun to summarize; none of us will ever live up to Oscar Wilde’s expectations; Captain Britain secretly derives his powers from genre; sometimes things turn out to be simple; Kitty Pryde is better at everything than you; manipulation and murder are the new flowers and candy; context may or may not ruin everything; Meggan gets a new outfit; Technet takes Brighton; and some universes are just too silly to survive.
- Rick Jones, Sidekick Supreme
- The Cross-Time Caper
- Excalibur #12-15
- Three love triangles
- Jay’s mom’s late iguana
- Captain Marshall, Lord Champion of the Realm
- Prince William
- Butch the ogre
- Princess Kate
- Fisticuffs
- Instant air conditioning, Excalibur-style
- Bagpipe Vader
- An anticlimactic solution to a protracted problem
- Sorcery 101
- Several profoundly unethical ways to initiate a relationship
- Arrested Excalibur
- The Campsite Rule of relationships
- The logistics and social history of tarring and feathering
- A protracted parody
- A very large number and several names for it
- A theoretical team-up
- Ultimate Hunger
- An unidentified comic that is not Ultimate Hunger
- Some less-than-ideal creative choices
- A multiversal montage
- Jamie Braddock (more) (again)
- A duck
- The unenviable fate of Doctor Crocodile
- Pairing mutants with metal genres
- Inconsistent flight safety measures
NEXT EPISODE: Killing the X-Men, with Charles Soule
You can find a visual companion to this episode on our blog!
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Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
Buy prints of this week’s illustration at our shop, or contact David Wynne for the original!