As is our annual tradition, we put out a last-minute call on Twitter for pictures of your X-Men Halloween costumes, and dang are you a stylish bunch! Check out the full roundup–along with some really spectacular jack-o’-lanterns–below!

@kissmyrice specified that she is nice Emma Frost, not the one who’ll blow up your pony without a second thought.

The new X-kids never get enough love, so we were super psyched to see @MutantAnomaly‘s kickass Nature Girl!

@speedheart takes Ororo’s rebellious phase in a different direction with Storm: The College Years!

Speaking of X-Men who don’t get nearly enough cosplay love, check out the always-awesome @Elana_Brooklyn and her husband as Siryn and Forge!

@Elana_Brooklyn tells us that the costumes were for an X-themed party, which–appropriately–involved at least one awkward family reunion!

@galaxytravelin‘s stylin’ Skids makes us SO happy.

@JeffLoveness, who wrote one of our favorite Cyclops stories of the past year, is NOT throwing away his shot as Hamilclops. (Alas, Loveness tells us there was no Burrverine. Maybe next year!)

Not only did @rememberyhorsenail Quentin Quire’s signature look, but he’s got the glare down to a science!

@punkerthanthou (as Cyclops, appropriately!) organized this kickass X-group!

A Phoenix jack-o’-lantern where the firebird aura is actual fire? Yes, please, @eisoj5!

Another really spectacular use of the medium–and the best Cyclops costume–from @half_panda22!
ETA: I know I missed a handful–and a few came in after the post was done–so if you’ve got an X-costume that’s NOT here, please drop a link in the comments below!
So I shared this on Twitter, but I was Marvel Girl (the mask is pretty bad, but I’m proud of the cardboard X-logo), my sister was Rogue, and my 2 year old nephew was Thor.
Next time I get a chance, I’m going to make a better mask and rework the sash. 😀
Awesome!! And sorry I missed that one in the roundup!
My boyfriend went as Gene Grey(an alternate universe boy version) and I went as Cyclops this Halloween:
Monday’s are okay because of your show. Thank you!
We didn’t go X-men but I thought I’d share my partner in crime and I as some of my fave Marvel heroes: Nico Minoru and America Chavez. It was made much sweeter because it was their first time celebrating Halloween, as an Australian visiting Canada and they went all out on their Nico costume. For me it was my first cool costume since I came out as trans last year (when I just wimped out and went as a ghost to my moms party).
Happy first month of Halloween and congrats Jay on the whole Jay Day affair 😀
Aaaaand I forgot my link. Whoops.
I KNEW Storm would be an M.I.A. fan!
Like Elaine (great costume BTW), I also went as Marvel Girl, but in kind of a “Mad Men” style. Say what you will, I have a very specific aesthetic and I’m sticking to it.
And God, those jack-o-lanterns are amazing.
Hi, you! I keep meaning to drop you a line–“Class of ’64” is fantastic, and so is your costume!!
Much respect on the Nature Girl! I love Aaron’s X-Kids.
Showed up to the party, and Phoenix was there!
Taye (aka Grown Geek Girl) as Phoenix:
I went as a rather rudimentary Madrox:
Two years ago I put a little more work into Cyclops:
Unfortunately the reflective surface in the visor came out as completely white in the pictures, regardless of the red film I’ve put over it…
Super late on this, but I was Magneto for Halloween. I thoroughly enjoyed making this and wearing it!
The Speed Racer outfit was great, but the extreem ‘Red Eye’ crossplay with visorless Cyclops was what really impressed me.
Apparently Mifune Go is another Summers Brother.
(I’m a bit surprised though; Racer X would have been the more obvious one.)