With under a week to go until our 10th birthday party, we’ve decided that the time has come to reveal Colleen Coover’s J&M 10th Anniversary print in its full glory! CHECK IT OUT:
11×17″ prints will be available at the party at Books With Pictures, for $20 each. We’re doing a run of 150 and not planning on reprinting this, so if you want one, now’s a good time to get in touch with someone who’ll be at the party!
Category: Art
Welcome to the Glammest Timeline
HI! Jay here! This week we dove into the gritty, glittery entrails of Earth-295 (better known as the Age of Apocalypse), where we’ll be spending the next several months. And as some of you have spotted, we’ve updated our cover art to match, care of x-ceptional artist and long-time friend of the show Peter Nguyen:

Not only that, but Peter hooked us up with a time-lapse video of the creation of the cover, condensing about four hours of digital art into four minutes, which you can watch below the cut! Continue reading
ECCC 2018 Gallery – Part 1 – We Drew Some X-Men
We’re juuuuust about recovered from Emerald City Comic Con (be sure to check out the live episode), and finally ready to show off our mountains of photos! First up: All the table sketches we remembered to photograph!
(Not pictured: A handful of solos, a couple collaborative pieces, and the marriage proposal Jay was so bewildered that someone asked him to draw that he totally forgot to document it. If you got a sketch from us that isn’t pictured here, please feel free to share it in the comments!)

Minicomic Madness at RCCC
WHOA DANG ROSE CITY COMIC CON WAS SO GOOD! We met a zillion of you, and you were universally delightful! We did a ton of panels and threw a ridiculous party! And we shared a booth with the splendid Al Ewing, and he and Jay took advantage of the weird plethora of index cards we always bring to shows and spent their spare moments making minicomics, which we’ve collected here for your edutainment!
Click through for road safety, karaoke, vacuum friendship, and more!
What I Did on My Summer Vacation, by Jay (Age 33)
The closest approximation of Havok’s powers in the standard emoji set is concentric hearts.
I discovered this a few months back, texting with the amazing Tea Fougner. “It kind of fits,” I remember typing. “I mean, the movie version has very Care Bear powers.”
There followed a Step 3, with a series of question marks; but by the end of the conversation, we had decided to make and exchange Summers Brothers Care Bears.
(I also ended up making a tiny Captain America bear, which astute readers will recognize as a panel-accurate replica of the Captain America bear Cyclops canonically owns, which appeared for one panel sometime in the late ’90s. Jean won it for him at a fair. Comics are great, y’all.)
ANYWAY, here are some process photos and notes. ENJOY!
UPDATE: Tea just sent me a slew of Havok Bear process photos and notes, so those will be up next week!
Also, since I forgot to link it initially, you can see both bears in action in this video review!
You Made (Wearable) Art!
The Whole Cyclops Has a Good Day Sketchbook, as of April 2016
Jay here! Because a handful of people have asked for them all in one place, here are the full current contents of the Cyclops Has a Good Day sketchbook, in chronological order.
(In the name of being precise about these kinds of things, I should note that these are not all of the Cyclops Has a Good Day drawings that I have–there are a good 6-10ish that are free-floating or digital–just the ones in the official sketchbook. I may add the others later, but they’re somewhat more scattered at the moment.)
Cyclops Has a Good Day (and Rachel can’t draw) at Rose City Comic Con!
As long-time listeners know, I have a Cyclops Has a Good Day con sketchbook, because I am a huge and unapologetic dork (newcomers might have keyed in to that last part). I’m godawful about posting updates, so, here’s what’s new from RCCC and ECCC!
(We’ve already posted our photos from RCCC, the live episode, and the party/listener meetup, over here!)
BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE! Miles and I stole a page from Chris and Chad’s playbook and did terrible X-Men sketches for $1 at our table. Miles forgot to take pictures of his, which is a double shame because he’s way better at this than I am and ALSO because one of his sketches was Adam X the X-Treme riding a giant can of Mountain Dew. BUT HERE ARE MINE.
ICYMI – David Wynne’s Full Mutant Massacre Illustration!
NOTE: We are moving this month and thus behind on EVERYTHING, so this is going up way later than we intended (and so, probably, will everything else through the second week of August or so). Sorry! -R&M
Did you see David Wynne’s rad illustrations for the last two episodes? Did they strike you as perhaps… more closely related than usual?

That’s because they’re two halves of a super kickass MUTANT MASSACRE PANORAMA! We knew this was going to be our first two-part episode, so we asked David if he’d be up for doing an extra-elaborate two-part illustration, and BOY, DID HE. Check this out:

And here’s a progress shot:
The New Mutants Graduate in Style!
In Episode 63, we asked you to design the New Mutants some alternate graduation costumes, since the canonical ones… left a bit to be desired. And dang, did you deliver! We’ve collected the first batch here, but we’ll be putting up another late this or early next week (or both, depending on volume), so you’ve still got time to get yours in! (E-mail to xplainthexmen(at)gmail(dot)com, with the subject line GRADUATION.)