Tag: Christmas
444 – Damnit, Magnus
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In which it’s difficult to flee with soup; Miles may or may not be haunting the X-Men; Colossus collaborates involuntarily; Marrow is full of surprises; Magneto is a dick; Jay continues to carry a torch for Secret Wars: Siege; and you should totally come to our birthday party.
- Several rather pointed allusions
- X-Force #86
- Uncanny X-Men #365
- X-Men #85
- Almost Reno, NM
- Where mutants come from
- The Aguilar Institute (more) (again)
- Abandoned towns
- Mary the telepathic moppet (more) (again)
- Odysseus Indigo
- The Damocles Foundation
- Sibling names
- The Fundamental Attribution Error
- A haunting
- Christmas beer
- Christmas ghost exquisite corpse
- Bill Jones
- A rescue mission
- Essential stories of the ‘90s
- Our weird favorites
- Siege
- Our upcoming 10th birthday party (more) (again)
NEXT EPISODE: Magneto War begins!
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HAWK TALK – Surviving the (Holiday) Experience
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This would usually be a skip week, but the world is still being a jerk, so we made you a bonus, entirely unedited, and almost entirely off-topic episode. This time, we talked about holidays, winter and otherwise.
Topics, roughly:
- Time, which used to make sense
- Several holidays and feelings, media, and traditions related thereto
- Flash Gordon
- Mixed-faith families
- A New York Christmas Wedding (the lesbian time travel gay dead baby angel movie)
- Gingerbread
- Secular rituals
- Night in the Woods: Lost Constellation
- The Dark is Rising (again)
- The Spirit of Christmas (which is to say, exploding)
- J. Michael Strazynski’s The Real Ghostbusters
- Community‘s first three holiday specials
- Justice League: Comfort & Joy
- Passover and that time Moses gave Pharaoh a frog
- Passover and Miles trying very hard to play it cool
- Chocolate bunny funerals
- Easter basket comics
- Being excellent to each other and partying on
Links and further reading:
- In Defense of Humbug by Jay Smooth
140 – Unto Us a Retcon Is Given (feat. Dennis Hopeless)
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In which writer Dennis Hopeless returns to the show for an informal introduction to the (first) mutant messiah; Cable is the best-case retcon scenario; Summerses don’t get to retire; calculating relative character age remains functionally impossible; Cable is Marsha to Stryfe’s Jan; and there’s probably already a Gilbert & Sullivan operetta about all of this.
- That one time Cable and Stryfe shared a body
- Cable (Nathan Christopher Charles Summers)
- Spinning nonsense into gold
- Cable and X-Force
- Cable’s controversial creative origins
- Collaborative character creation
- Cable origins that might have been
- A whole lot of time travel
- A whole lot of Summers family nonsense
- Professor (Ship)
- Tyler Dayspring (Tolliver)
- Hope Summers
- How to make Cable interesting
- What to do after you save the world
- Still more time travel
- Look, there’s a lot of time travel, okay?
- Old-man strength
- Stryfe
- David Willis’s theory of Batman humor (and Jay’s derivative theory of Stryfe humor)
- Muscle March
- Cable’s role on teams
- Stryfe vs. Hope
- Cable’s theoretical legal career
- Quantum operetta theory
NEXT EPISODE: Cable’s on-page debut!
There is no visual companion to this episode!
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Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
We’re in the process of migrating our official shop to TeePublic! Click over to check it out! (You can still find the designs we haven’t moved yet at Redbubble.)
Buy prints of this week’s illustration at our shop, or contact David Wynne for the original!
92 – Living in Ship
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In which X-Factor loves press conferences, Archangel provides many opportunities for terrible puns, Cyclops gets to be happy for a whole five pages, X-Factor learns how doors work, the X-kids are generous (except Boom Boom), Infectia makes monsters to fight the patriarchy, Ship is your cool aunt, and Destiny accidentally predicts Cable.
- Apocalypse versus Ed Wood
- X-Factor #27-31
- Superhero mortality
- Star-crossed mugger romance
- Marvel Girl as, and not as, Team Mom
- The greatest line in all of X-Factor
- Ship’s anatomical resemblances
- Combat and relationship discussion multitasking
- X-Men Evolution Syndrome
- Iceman as joker-by-necessity
- Infectia and the Anti-Bodies
- Rambo Nukes Commando In Nicaragua
- Wacky sitcom humor
- Warren Worthington, PI
- Earth 13122 and LEGO optic blasts
- Musical careers of the X-Men
NEXT WEEK: Magik versus Forge.
You can find a visual companion to this episode on our blog!
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Rachel and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
Buy prints of this week’s illustration at our shop, or contact David Wynne for the original!
As Mentioned in Episode 90 – Ghosts of the Outback
Listen to the episode here.

- We first visited the Australian Outback and met the Reavers (kinda) in Episode 64 – Giant-Size Special #2.
- UncannyXMen.net on the probable location of Cooterman’s Creek
90 – Ghosts of the Outback
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In which the X-Men move to Australia; O.Z. Chase is definitely not a werewolf; Dazzler is a smart, glittery laser cookie; Gateway falls into some uncomfortable tropes; Havok remains the king of terrible hats; Madelyne Pryor hacks the planet; Rogue makes a friend; Rick Leonardi draws the definitive Magik; Colossus’ secondary mutation is allegory; and there are a lot of great places to donate your old backissues.
- Gateway’s probable origin
- Wintry mix
- Miles’s definitive X-era
- Uncanny X-Men #228-231
- O.Z. Chase
- Vladimir Zaitzev
- The Reavers (No, not those Reavers)
- Bonebreaker
- Skullcrusher
- Pretty Boy
- Children
- Jessan Hoan (Tyger Tiger)
- Gateway
- Teamwork (more) (again)
- The Siege Perilous
- Cooterman’s Creek
- Jay’s favorite mythic figure (and long-term career goal)
- The best brother in the Marvel Universe
- A really sad team-up
- Favorite X-science moments
- Where to donate comic books
NEXT WEEK: The saddest story ever
You can find a visual companion to this episode on our blog!
Find us on iTunes or Stitcher!
Rachel and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
Buy prints of this week’s illustration at our shop, or contact David Wynne for the original!
As Mentioned in Episode 89: Giant-Size Special #3
Listen to the episode here.

- Best X-Writer – Dennis Hopeless
- Best X-Artist – Mike Norton
- Best X-Colorist – Jordie Bellaire
- Best Soap Opera – Inferno
- Irene Adler Award for Most Anticipated Upcoming Book or Series – X-Men ’92 ongoing
- Harvey and Janet Award for Best Walk-On – Falcon Pirate (Wolverines #1)
- About Damn Time – Iceman comes out (All-New X-Men #40 and X-Men #600)
- Cyclops Has a Good Day Award – Uncanny X-Men #600
- Shameless Pandering – X-Men ’92
- MetaCorbeau for Exemplary Use of Super Doctor Astronaut Peter Corbeau in a Comic Book – Al Ewing (Mighty Avengers #8)
- Best Ongoing X-Series – X-Force (w: Si Spurrier; a: various)
- Rising Star – Wolverine (Laura Kinney)
- Best Withering Sneers* – Kristafer Anka
- The Didn’t-Fit-Into-Any-Other-Categories-and-Isn’t-Technically-an-X-Book-but-We-Wanted-to-Give-It-an-Award-Anyway Award – Siege (w: Kieron Gillen, a: Filipe Andrade)
- Still the Best Listeners of Any Podcast, Ever – YOU. Again.**
*Kris Anka owns this category so thoroughly that, in the name of fairness, he will be disqualified starting in 2016; at which point the name of this category will officially change to the Kristafer Anka Award for Best Withering Sneer in an X-Book.
**Seriously. We may be a wee bit biased; but honestly, you’re just wildly unfair to the competition.
CLASSIC CORBEAUS (for older X-material covered in the podcast during 2015)
- Buried Treasure – Fallen Angels
- You Tried – Magneto (New Mutants)
- Jack Kirby Award for Best Intersection of Weird and Epic in a Single Character Design – Walter Simonson (Archangel, X-Factor)
- Improbably Endearing Moppet – Franklin Richards
- High Bar Award – Bill Sienkiewicz (New Mutants)
- Most Heroic Hair – Alan Davis
- Most Organized Supervillain – Cameron Hodge
- Kaijucast
- Previously on R&MXtX-M:
- Every episode from 58 on, ’cause he’s the producer!
- But you can also hear his voice in Episode 80 – For the Mutant Who Has Everything…
- …and Episode 85 – Secret Convergence on Infinte Podcasts, Part 9
- Previously on R&MXtX-M:
- Into It
- (You can find more Jay, Chris, and general seasonal festivity on the Into It Christmas Special!)
- Hard Times
- Previously on R&MXtX-M:
- Into It
89 – Giant-Size Special #3 (feat. Kyle Yount, Logan Bonner, Elle Collins, and Chris Sims)
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In which Jay and Miles finally X-Plain some Excalibur; Kyle interviews the X-Perts; Logan gets up-close and personal with the X-Men; Elle casts Excalibur; Chris X-Plains Santa Claus; and you are still the best listeners of any podcast, ever.
- Excalibur: The Sword Is Drawn
- Christmas at the X-Mansion
- The best hair in the Marvel Universe
- The not particularly secret origins of Excalibur
- Mojoverse anxiety dreams
- Warwolves
- Meggan
- Captain Britain (Brian Braddock)
- Sexiest Nightcrawler
- Technet (and several of its members)
- Gatecrasher
- Yap
- Omniversal Majestrix Opal Luna Saturnine
- The Special Executive
- Mutant intersectionality
- Why we chose the X-Men
- Favorite X-Spinoffs
- Our podcast-guest wish list
- The theoretical cast of an Excalibur movie
- Our ideal X-lineups
- Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men
- The Second Annual Super Doctor Astronaut Peter Corbeau Awards for Excellence in X-Cellence
- Marvel Holiday Special 1991
- Santa Claus
- The true meaning of Christmas
You can find a visual companion to this episode on our blog!
Find us on iTunes or Stitcher!
Rachel and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
Buy prints of this week’s illustration at our shop, or contact David Wynne for the original!
As Mentioned in Episode 14 – Look Upon My Man-Thing and D’Spayre
Listen to the podcast here!

Links and Further Reading:
The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage
All Those Signature Moves We Listed Off (We’ll Do a Visual Directory Eventually, We Promise):
- Fastball Special: Colossus throws Wolveine at something.
- Phaseball Special*: Someone throws Kitty through robots
- The Most Comics-Code-Adherent at What He Does*: The thing where Wolverine has his claws out during a fight but doesn’t cut anyone.
- Cue-ball Special*: The thing where Cyclops takes out like six bad guys with ricochets from one optic blast.
- Slippery Slope*: The thing where Iceman tries to be awesome and ends up beating up his teammates by accident.
- Blue-Plate Special Special*: The thing where an X-man uses their powers to prepare lunch.
- The thing where Kitty wrecks everything by accident phasing through it.
- The thing where everyone switches opponents mid-fight, and that’s what turns the tide.
- The thing where Nightcrawler is awfully dashing about beating people up.
- The thing where Storm’s claustrophobia saves the day.
- The thing where Angel just dodges shit for like an hour instead of participating in the fight.
- The thing where Xavier fakes his own death.
- The thing where Cypher and/or Kitty and/or Illyana and/or Wolverine do the “Ain’t I a stinker?” thing from the control booth of the Danger Room.
- The thing where Cyclops uses his optic blasts to slow or stop inertia or a fall.
- The thing where Storm has no powers and STILL kicks someone’s ass into next week.
- The thing where Colossus and Wolverine throw themselves at Magneto every goddamn time despite being made of metal.
*We made these names up. They are not official canon, but we live in hope.