Tag: Roma
428 – Naked in a Cake
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In which you shouldn’t invite nazis to your wedding, there’s a lot of multiverse, Captain Britain and Meggan are pretty heteronormative but make it work, everybody forgot Feron, and the next husband will be Gatecrasher’s.
- Captain Britain varieties
- The history of Brian Braddock and Meggan Puceanu, abridged
- Excalibur #124-125
- Mutants most likely to jump out of a cake
- The Crazy Gang (again)
- Meggan’s crush on Colossus
- Colossus’s guilt about Meggan’s crush on Colossus
- A surprise bridal shower
- The return of Captain UK
- Brian Braddock’s teetotaling techniques
- Mimic’s ever-changing facial hair
- Glorious, glorious chaos
- Poor, poor Feron
- Multiple awkward conversations
- The return of Widget and also everyone else
- Lightning Force (dammit)
- A lengthy but not exhaustive list of Captains Britain
- So many cameos
- …Seriously, so many cameos
- Dai Thomas’s anti-iron
- Shockingly healthy communication
- Bouquet brawls and garter gar-nage
- A bittersweet ending
- Nightcrawler’s best outfit
- The universe where the X-Men X-Plain Jay & Miles
- Our hypothetical post-finale Excalibur lineup
NEXT EPISODE: The return of X-Factor! Kind of!
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As Mentioned in Episode 326 – Son of a Gun
326 – Son of a Gun
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In which it’s hard to be a hologram; the Internet is terrible and you should probably avoid it; we have no idea how Naze is still alive; this is not your mom’s Adversary (if your mom is Fall of the Mutants); Forge is an order muppet; and Sabretooth is not a great addition to most teams.
- Skrulls in American history
- X-Factor’s attrition rate
- The spirit spell (again)
- The Adversary (again)
- X-Factor #119-121
- Hypercolor(TM) t-shirts
- Oblivion vs. masturbation
- Mark Trail (more) (again)
- Forge’s complicated relationship with magic
- The death of X-Factor
- Several retcons
- The resurrection of X-Factor
- (Mis)representation of indigenous cultures in X-books
- Jim Jaspers vs. the Adversary
- The spirit spell (YET AGAIN)
- The Feron of X-Factor
- Val ‘n’ Victor
- Dubious use of technology
- A red herring
- The lingering spectre of Days of Future Past
- Our tech issues
- Reasonable accommodations at the Xavier School
NEXT EPISODE: Cable vs. X-Force
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As Mentioned in Episode 314 – Feelings, Alaska
Listen to the podcast here.
- Lauretta Jean’s makes the best pie on earth, and Jay misses it desperately.
- Wanna make comics? Wally Wood’s 22 Panels That Always Work are an incredibly useful resource.
- We watched so much Sealab 2021 in college.
- If you’re interested in the intersections of psychology and superhero comics, check out The Arkham Sessions!
- For more about Scott and Alex’s origin story and picking which versions of canon count, check out Episode 308 – No Story Is the Whole Story.
- Hear about Roma and The Adversary’s last fight in Episode 86 – Legends.
- Dr. Andrea Letamendi joined us to discuss representations of mental illness and therapy in X-Factor in Episode 216 – X-Amining X-Factor.
- Our coverage of the Age of Apocalypse starts in Episode 287 – Welcome to the Age of Apocalypse…
- …and we focus on Cyclops and Havok’s relationship in that universe in Episode 292 – Weekend at Sinster’s.
314 – Feelings, Alaska
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In which Haven deserved better; Cyclops and Havok have a lot of feelings in Alaska; X-Factor is the cop team; breaking up with your girlfriend between issues is a massive faux pas; Haven got a bad deal; no one cares about Random’s feelings; Spiral is weird Twitter; and Alex Summers once again fails to finish his dissertation.
- Chaos (Daniel Dash)
- Pie
- Power suits vs. power suits
- X-Factor #115-118
- Haven (more) (again)
- The Adversary (more) (again)
- Naze (more) (again)
- Several people who may or may not be holograms
- One of Jay’s all-time-favorite single issues
- Howard Mackie
- Wally Wood’s 22 Panels
- The Summers Family plane crash
- Cyclops and Havok’s relationship
- Havok’s Silver Age origins
- Trans readings of Alex Summers
- Shard (more) (again)
- Canadian drama
- A trap
- The return of Random
- Roma (again)
- Mojoworlders on social media
- Which X-teens should be audience surrogates in a new animated series
NEXT EPISODE: Wolverine & Gambit!
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As Mentioned in Episode 220 – On Your Bike
Listen to the podcast here.
- For more in-depth coverage of pre-Excalibur Captain Britain, check out Episode 97 – The Crooked World and Episode 98 – Between Alien Visitations and Drunken Sulks.
- Jay wasn’t kidding about the kid from Flight of the Navigator robbing a bank.
220 – On Your Bike
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In which we approach the end of Alan Davis’s Excalibur run; “duopenultimate” is not actually a word; Captain Britain pops the question; we do in fact (kinda) get follow-up on Alysande Stuart’s death; Miles needs to get a little less credulous about bureaucrats’ good intentions; Shadowcat engages in espionage; Nightcrawler and Cerise are tactically saucy; and the sun definitely ought to set on the British Empire.
- Warpies
- Excalibur #61-65
- The Jaspers Warp (more) (again)
- The RCX (more) (again)
- Agents Gabriel and Michael
- What happened to Jay’s mom’s Hypercolor™ T-shirt
- What not to do with a dead parrot
- Several Hamlet references
- Scott Wright (MicroMax)
- The Cherubim
- Cloud Nine
- Agent Peter (Nigel Orpington-Smythe)
- Warpie naming conventions
- Beetroot
- Screen tone
- An idiom
- Evasive makeouts
- A specific thing on The Gifted
- Why Kitty Pryde tends to go by her given name
NEXT EPISODE: Space Fight!
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Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
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196 – The Power Is Yours
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In which space bugs break time; you may already be a member of Excalibur; Earth-616 remains somewhat baffled by basic telecommunications technology; you should absolutely not order monkeys from an ad in a comic book; Widget gets a new look; Excalibur gets a new logo; Merlin X-Plains everything; and Rachel gets in touch with her roots.
- The Timebroker
- Excalibur #48-50
- What “fair use” doesn’t mean
- Penis bones, revisited
- Feron
- Prophylactic levitation
- Several inaccurate flashbacks
- Someone who is neither a Nazi nor Charles Xavier
- Necrom (again)
- The art of heroic exposition
- Monastic population maintenance
- Mail-order monkeys
- Widget’s new look
- Kylun’s mutant power
- Several alternate Excaliburs
- The True Secret Purpose of Excalibur
- The new Excalibur logo
- Fighting weird with weird
- A whole lot of history
- Phoenix vs. Anti-Phoenix
- Some very epic thwarting
- The end of an era
- Alan Davis’s Excalibur
- How we work alternate timelines into coverage
- Bishop and Deathbird as a couple
NEXT EPISODE: Wolverine: The Jungle Adventure and Bloody Choices!
UPDATE: Apparently the dead mail-order monkeys were apocryphal, although we were able to dig up some fairly nightmarish accounts of live mail-order monkeys. …Yay?
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Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
We’re in the process of migrating our official shop to TeePublic! Click over to check it out! (You can still find the designs we haven’t moved yet at Redbubble.)
As Mentioned in Episode 192 – Meet the N-Men
Listen to the podcast here!
- For an introduction to Technet, check out Episode 89 – Giant-Size Special #3; and Episode 98 – Between Alien Visitations and Drunken Sulks!
- The comment thread about Emilia Witherspoon’s origins
- We discussed Diana: Warrior Princess at more length in Episode 34 – Mordenkainen’s Marvelous Mutants.