Listen to the podcast here!
Links and further reading:
Episode 05 – The Retcon That Walks Like a Man (Covering Giant-Size X-Men #1)
Because It's About Time Someone Did
Listen to the podcast here!
Links and further reading:
Episode 05 – The Retcon That Walks Like a Man (Covering Giant-Size X-Men #1)
On Episode 5 – The Retcon that Walks Like a Man, we met Gabriel Summers, and did a very quick drive-by introduction to the Summers family and their really depressing space adventures. Because this shit is complicated, Rachel,* the resident Summers Family Continuity expert, has put together a brief visual guide to Gabriel’s backstory. Click through for the origin of the third and worst Summers Brother:
*Edidin, not Summers or Grey.
We didn’t actually mention this, but you should probably watch it anyway:
For more Chris Sims, check out:
Chris’s X-Men episode guides at Comics Alliance
For more on X-Men, X-Men Evolution, and Wolverine and the X-Men, check out:
X-Men (90s series) on Toonzone
Wolverine and the X-Men on Toonzone
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